1. R. Courant, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 49 (1943) S. 1.
2. O. C. Zienkiewicz, Y. K. Cheung, The Finite Element Method in Structural and Continuum Mechanics, London, New York, Toronto, Sydney 1967.
3. R. W. Clough u. J. L. Tocher, Proc. Conf. Matrix Methods in Struct. Mech. Air Force Inst. of Techn. Wright Patterson A. F. Base, Ohio 1965, AFFDL TR-66-80 (1966).
4. H. Schaefer, Ing.-Archiv 35 (1966) S. 73.
5. F. K. Bogner, R. L. Fox, and L. A. Schmit, Proc. Conf. Matrix Methods in Struct. Mech. Air Force Inst. of Techn. Wright Patterson A. F. Base, Ohio, 1965, AFFDL TR-88 (1966).