1. Ahearn, Mary, Hisham S. El-Osta and Joe Dewbre. (2002). ?The Impact of Government Subsidies on the Off-farm Labor Supply of Farm Operators?. Selected paper for presentation at the 2002 AAEA meetings, Long Beach, California, July 28?31.
2. Dewbre, Joe and Ashok Mishra. (2002). ?Farm Household Incomes and US Government Program Payments?. Selected paper for presentation at the 2002 AAEA meetings, Long Beach, California, July 28?31.
3. Dubman, Robert, W. (2000). Variance Estimation with USDA?s Farm Costs and Returns Surveys and Agricultural Resource Management Study Surveys. ERS Staff Paper, AGES 00?01.
4. El-Osta, Hisham and Mary Ahearn. (1996). ?Estimating the Opportunity Cost of Unpaid Farm Labor for US Farm Operators?. Techn. Bull. 1848. USDA, ERS.
5. An empirical analysis of participation in US government farm programmes