1. Elliott, R.J.: Magnetic Properties of Rare Earth Metals (Elliott, R.J., ed.), London: Plenum Press 1972.
2. Taylor, K.N.R., Darby, M.I.: Physics of Rare Earth Solids, London: Chapman and Hall Ltd. 1972.
3. Coqblin, B.: The Electronic Structure of Rare-Earth Metals and Alloys: the Magnetic Heavy Rare-Earths, London: Academic Press 1977.
4. Sinha, S.K.: Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths (Gschneidner, Jr., K.A., Eyring, R., eds.), Vol. 1, Amsterdam: North Holland Publ. Co. 1978, p. 489.
5. Legvold, S.: Ferromagnetic Materials (Wohlfarth, E.P., ed.), Vol. 1, Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co. 1980, p. 183.