1. M. Alexanian:Phys. Rev. D,4, 2432 (1971);5, 922 (1972);26, 3743 (1982).
2. M. Alexanian andF. Mejia-Lira:Phys. Rev. D,11, 716 (1975);M. Alexanian:Phys. Rev. D,11, 722 (1975);Phys. Today,13 (December 1990).
3. M. Alexanian:J. Stat. Phys.,41, 709 (1985).
4. For a modern development of nonlocal theory seeG. V. Efimov: inQuantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistics: Essays in Honour of the Sixtieth Birthday of E. S. Fradkin, Vol.1, edited byI. A. Batalin et al. (Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1987), p. 545.
5. See,e.g,N. N. Bogoliubov,A. A. Logunov andI. T. Todorov:Introduction to Axiomatic Quantum Field Theory (W. A. Benjamin, Reading, Mass., 1975).