1. Apostolov, V.: Kähler geometry on toric manifolds, unpublished lecture notes. http://profmath.uqam.ca/~apostolo/papers/toric-lecture-notes.pdf
2. Apostolov, V., Calderbank, D.M.J., Gauduchon, P., Tønnesen-Friedman, C.W.: Hamiltonian 2-forms in Kähler geometry. II. Global classification. J. Differ. Geom. 68(2), 277–345 (2004)
3. Apostolov, V., Calderbank, D.M.J., Gauduchon, P., Tønnesen-Friedman, C.W.: Extremal Kähler metrics on projective bundles over a curve. Adv. Math. 227(6), 2385–2424 (2011)
4. Apostolov, V., Jubert, S., Lahdili, A.: Weighted K-stability and coercivity with applications to extremal Kähler and Sasaki metrics. arXiv:2104.09709 (2021)
5. Apostolov, V., Maschler, G.: Conformally Kähler, Einstein-Maxwell geometry. J. Eur. Math. Soc. 21, 12 (2015)