1. M. I. Gorbunov-Posadov, "Importance of the combined problem of the theory of elasticity and the theory of plasticity of soils in the analysis of soils and foundations," Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhan. Gruntov, No. 1 (1959).
2. M. I. Gorbunov-Posadov, "Panel Discussion," Proc. Fifth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Vol. 3, p. 224.
3. M. I. Gorbunov-Posadov, "Development of the theory of analysis of structures on elastic foundations," Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhan. Gruntov, No. 1 (1963).
4. M. I. Gorbunov-Posadov, Present State of the Scientific Bases of Foundation Engineering [in Russian], Nauka (1967).
5. V. V. Sokolovskii, Statics of Granular Media, 3rd ed. [in Russian], Fizmatgiz (1960).