1. See Richard B. Freeman, “Changes in the Labor Market for Black Americans, 1948-72,”Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (Washington: Brookings Institution, 1973).
2. The references include James P. Smith and Finis Welch, “Black-White Male Wage Ratios: 1960-1970.”American Economic Review, June, 1977; James P. Smith and Finis Welch, “Race Differences in Earnings: A Survey and New Evidence,” (Santa Monica: Rand Corporation, March. 1978); Richard Butler and James J. Heckman, “A New Look at the Empirical Evidence on the Assertion that Government Policy Has Shifted the Aggregate Relative Demand Function in Favor of Blacks,” unpublished manuscript, University of Chicago, 1978; Freeman, op. cit., no. 1; Richard B. Freeman, “Decline of Labor Market Discrimination and Economic Analysis,”American Economic Review, May 1973; and Richard B. Freeman, “Black Economic Progress After 1964: Who Gained and Why” mimeo. (Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research, October, 1978).
3. James P. Smith, “The Improving Status of Black Americans,” Rand Paper Series P-6055, January 1978. p. 1.
4. Butler and Heckman. op. cit., no. 2.
5. Freeman. “Decline of Labor Market Discrimination,” op. cit., no. 2.