1. H. G. Allen,J. Comp. Mater. 5 (1971) 194.
2. J. Aveston, R. A. Mercer andJ. M. Sillwood, Composites ? standard testing and design, Conference Proceedings, NPL, 8?9 April 1974 (IPC, London, 1974) p. 93.
3. V. Laws andM. A. Ali, Fibre reinforced materials: Design and engineering applications, Conference Proceedings, Institution of Civil Engineers, London, March 1977 (ICE, London, 1977) p. 115.
4. V. Laws andP. L. Walton, RILEM Symposium, 1978, Testing and test methods of fibre cement composites (The Construction Press, Lancaster, 1978) p. 429.
5. I. Aveston, G. A. Cooper andA. Kelly, The properties of fibre composites, Conference Proceedings, NPL, 4 November 1971 (IPC, London 1971) p. 15.