1. Beadle N. C. W., 1981.The Vegetation of Australia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 690 pp.
2. Beard J. S., 1976.An indigenous term for the Western Australian sandplain and its vegetation. J. Roy. Soc. W. Australia, 59, 2: 55–57.
3. Beard J. S., 1979a.The Vegetation of the Perth Area. Map and explanatory memoir. Vegetation Survey or W. Australia, Vegmap Publ., Perth, 48 pp.
4. Beard J. S., 1979b.The vegetation of the Albany and Mt. Barker areas. Vegetation Survey of W. Australia, Vegmap Publ., Perth, 53 + 4 pp.
5. Beard J. S., 1981.The vegetation of the Swan area. Univ. of Western Australia Press, 222 pp.