1. M. Behzad andG. Chartrand,Introduction to the theory of graphs, Allyn and Bacon Inc., Boston, 1971, IX + 271 pp.Zbl. 238, 05101
2. J. Bosák, A. Rosa andŠ. Znám, On decompositions of complete graphs into factors with given diameters,Theory of Graphs (Proc. Colloq., Tihany, 1966), Edited byP. Erdős andG. Katona, Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Academic Press, New York, 1968, 37–56.MR 38 # 2041
3. G. Ringel, Selbstkomplementäre Graphen,Arch. Math. 14 (1963), 354–358.MR 27 # 4222
4. H. Sachs, Über selbstkomplementäre Graphen,Publ. Math. Debrecen 9 (1962), 270–288.MR 27 # 1934;Zbl. 119, 189