1. Hargittai I (1973) A molekulák építői – az elektronpárok (Electron pairs – architects of molecules, in Hungarian). Természet Világa 104:78–82
2. Schmiedekamp A, Cruickshank DWJ, Skaarup S, Pulay P, Hargittai I, Boggs JE (1979) Investigation of the basis of the valence shell electron pair repulsion model by ab initio calculation of geometry variations in a series of tetrahedral and related molecules. J Am Chem Soc 101:2002–2010
3. Gillespie RJ, Hargittai I (1991) The VSEPR model of molecular geometry. Allyn and Bacon, Boston. This book has been republished in a softcover version by Dover Publ in 2012. Italian translation: Geometria Molecolare Il Modelo VSEPR (translated from the English by Guardo M., Zanichelli, 1994, 184 p)
4. Russian translation: Moдeль oттaлкивaния элeктpoнныx пap вaлeнтнoй oбoлoчки и cтpoeниe мoлeкyл (translated from English by V. S. Mastryukov, Mir, Moscow, 1992, p 296)
5. Gillespie RJ (2008) Fifty years of the VSEPR model. Coord Chem Revs 252:1315–1327