1. Department of Geodetic Science, Report;G. Blaha,1971
2. U.A. RAUHALA: “Array Algebra with Applications in Photogrammetry and Geodesy”. Paper published inFotogrammetriska Meddelanden V1: 6, Department of Photogrammetry, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 1974.
3. U.A. RAUHALA: “A Review of Array Algebra”. Paper published inFotogrammetriska Meddelanden, 2: 38, Department of Photogrammetry, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 1976.
4. U.A. RAUHALA and S. GERIG:Digital Terrain Data Compaction Using Array Algebra. Report of DBA Systems, Inc; performed for USA-ETL, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, under Contract No. DAAG53-76-C-0127, November, 1976.