1. J.E. ALBERDA: Planning and optimisation of networks: some general considerations. Presented at the Symposium on Computational Methods in Geometric Geodesy. Oxford, September, 1973.
2. P.V. ANGUS-LEPPAN: Adjustment of trilateration using length ratios.Survey Review, No. 166, 1972.
3. V. ASHKENAZI, and P.A. CROSS: Strength of long lines in terrestrial geodetic control networks. Presented at the XVI General Assembly of the I.A.G., Grenoble, 1975.
4. V. ASHKENAZI, and E. GRAFAREND: Network analysis: Singularity, rank and invariant criteria. Presented at the Primer Congreso Venezolano de Geodesia, Maracaibo, 1975.
5. W. BAARDA: Statistical concepts in geodesy.Publ. in Geodesy, Netherlands Geod. Comm., New Series, Vol. 2, No. 4, Delft, 1967.