1. Stowell, E. Z., “Stress and Strain Concentration at a Circular Hole in an Infinite Plate,” Natl. Advisory Comm. for Aero., Tech. Note #2073.
2. Budianski, B. and Vidensek, R., “Analysis of Stresses in the Plastic Range Around a Circular Hole in a Flatplate Subjected to Uniaxial Tension,” Natl. Advisory Comm. for Aero., Tech. Note #3542.
3. Hardrath, H. F. and Ohman, L., “A Study of Elastic and Plastic Stress Concentration Factors Due to Notches and Fillets in Flatplates,” Ibid, Natl. Advisory Comm. for Aero., Tech. Note #2566.
4. Griffith, G. G., “Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Plastic Flow in Tension Panel with a Circular Hole,” Ibid, Natl. Advisory Comm. for Aero., Tech. Note #1705.
5. Galin, L. A., “Plane Elastic-Plastic Problem: Plastic Zones in the Vicinity of Circular Apertures,”Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika,10,367 (1946).