1. James F. Allen, A General Model of Action and Time, Proceedings 7th IJCAI, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 1981.
2. John Barron, Dialogue and Process Design for Interactive Information Systems Using Taxis, In Proceedings SIGOA Conference on Office Information Systems, Philadelphia, PA, SIGOA Newsletter, Vol. 3, Nos 1 and 2, pp. 12–20, 21–23 June 1982.
3. A. Borgida, Features of Languages for the Development of Information Systems at the Conceptual Level, IEEE Software, Vol. 2, No. 1, Jan. 1985, pp. 63–72.
4. Alex Borgida, John Mylopoulos, Joachim W. Schmidt and Eric Meirlaen, Final Version of TDL Design, Esprit Project DAIDA (892), deliverable DES1.2, Sept. 1987.
5. Alex Borgida, Matthias Jarke, John Mylopoulos, Joachim W. Schmidt and Yannis Vassiliou, The Software Development Environment as a Knowledge Base Management System. in J. W. Schmidt and C. Thanos (Editors), Foundations of Knowledge Base Management. Springer-Verlag, 1989.