1. D. Enskog, Kungl. Svenska Vetenskaps Akad. Handl. 63(4) (1921), and the English version: S. Brush, Kinetic Theory, Vol. 3, Pergamon Press (1972) p. 226.
2. P. Résibois and M. De Leener, Classical Kinetic Theory of Fluids, McGraw-Hill (1965).
3. S. Chapman and T. G. Cowling, Mathematical Theory of Non-Uniform Gases, 3rd edn., Cambridge (1970).
4. J. H. Ferziger and H. G. Kaper, Mathematical Theory of Transport Processes, North-Holland (1972).
5. H. van Beijeren and M. H. Ernst, Physica 68:437 (1973).