1. H. Bass, Algebraic K-theory, Benjamin, New York, 1968.
2. A.-M. Bergé, "Sur l’arithmétique d’une extension diédrale", Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 22, 2(1972), 31–59.
3. S. Chase, "On change of rings of genera and class groups of orders", preprint (1981).
4. S. Chase, "Ramification invariants and torsion Galois module structure in number fields", to appear in J. of Algebra.
5. J. Cougnard, "Un contre-exemple à une conjecture de J. Martinet", in Algebraic Number Fields, Proceedings of the Durham Symposium, 1975 (ed. A. Fröhlich, Academic Press, London, 1977).