1. N. I. Akhiezer [1967], Vorlesungen über Approximationstheorie, 2., verbesserte Auflage, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin; appeared also as Theory of Approximation, F. Ungar Publ., New York, 1956.
2. R. E. Barnhill [1977], Representation and approximation of surfaces, in Mathematical Software III, J. Rice ed., Academic Press, New York, 69–120.
3. C. de Boor [1976], Splines as linear combinations of B-splines, in Approximation Theory II, G.G. Lorentz, C.K. Chui & L.L. Schumaker eds., Academic Press, 1–47.
4. C. de Boor [1979], Efficient computer manipulation of tensor products, ACM Trans.Math.Software 5, 173–182.
5. C. de Boor & R. DeVore [1981], Approximation by smooth multivariate splines, Math.Research Center TSR #2319. Trans.Amer.Math.Soc., to appear.