1. See Government Bill 1994:349 at 36–37.
2. See, e.g., B. Sandvik, Miljöskadeansvar [Environmental Impairment Liability] (2002) 157–160 with further references.
3. See Statens Offentliga Utredningar (SOU) 1996:103, part 1 s. 629; cf. also, e.g. SOU 1993:27, Ch. 12 and at 699–700. It may be further pointed out that, in a recent Swedish governmental report, existing rules on civil liability have been considered adequate also as regards damage caused by GMOs; see SOU 2007:46.
4. Työryhmämuistio MMM 2005:16. Muuntogeenisten viljelykasvien sekä tavanomaisen ja luonnonmukaisen maataloustuotannon rinnakkaiselon mahdollistaminen Suomessa. Loppuxaportti. [Working Group Report MAF 2005:16. Enabling the Coexistence of Genetically Modified Crops and Conventional and Organic Farming in Finland. Final Report.]
5. See id. at 38–40. All details are still open, and the report does not include any draft provisions.