1. B.A. Koch, Comparative Overview, YB 2005, 602 (no. 29). In addition to the developments discussed in the text, see also E — 8/07, Nguyen v Norway, 20.06.08, noted by D. Hinghofer-Szalkay/B.A. Koch, European Union (supra 647), no. 27 ff., in which the EFTA Court ruled that compulsory motor insurance cannot exclude compensation in respect of civil liability for non-pecuniary loss.
2. R. Reischauer/ K. Spielbüchler/ R. Welser (eds.), Reform des Schadenersatzrechts III: Vorschläge eines Arbeitskreises (2008), noted by B.C. Steininger, Austria (supra 108), no. 2 ff.
3. B.C. Steininger, Austria (supra 108), no. 14.
4. B.C. Steininger, Austria (supra 108), no. 14.
5. B.A. Koch, Comparative Overview, YB 2005, 602 (no. 18 ff.).