1. A. L. Kimball, “Internal Friction Theory of Shaft Whirling”, General Electric Review, April, 1924, pp. 244–251.
2. B. L. Newkirk and H. D. Taylor, “Shaft Whipping Due to Oil Action in Journal Bearings”, General Electric Review, August, 1925, pp. 559–568.
3. D. Robertson, “Whirling of a Journal in a Sleeve Bearing”, Philosophical Magazine, Series 7, Vol. 15, January 1933, pp. 113–130.
4. H. Poritsky, “A Contribution to the Theory of Oil Whip”, Trans. ASME, Vol. 75, 1953, pp. 1153–1161.
5. T. Okazaki, Personal Communication, 1954.