1. G. R. Elton, Reform and Reformation, England 1509–1558 (London, 1977), p. 395.
2. A. G. Dickens, ‘The early expansion of Protestantism in England 1520–1558’, Archiv für Reformationsgerichte 78 (1987), pp. 219–20.
3. Eamon Duffy, Fires of faith: Catholic England under Mary Tudor (New Haven, Conn., 2009), pp. 168–70. See the list of martyrs in the Appendix which supports Duffy’s point.
4. Christopher Haigh, English Reformations: Religion, politics and society under the Tudors (Oxford, 1993), p. 235.
5. W. C. Sellars and R. J. Yeatman, 1066 and all that (London, 1930), p. 65.