1. Adelson, Evan M. 1994. “Stratifying Practices in the Ethnic Community: Cultural Capital and the Distribution of Honors in a Jewish Synagogue.”Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 55: 751-A. SA 9500252
2. Azria, Regine. 1993. “France, Etats-Unis, “Terres Promises” des Juifs? Essai Comparatif.” (“France, United States, “Promised Lands” of the Jews? A Comparative Approach.’)Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions 38: 201–222. SA 9410311
3. Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin. 1994. “The Foundations of Judaism: Psychoanalytic Interpretations.”Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences 31: 200–210. PA 82-21032
4. Berman, Paul. 1994. “The Other and the Almost the Same.”Society 31: 4–16. SA 9502435
5. Bessler, Gail. 1994. “Therapist Experience and the Recognition of Culturally Related Treatment Issues in the Treatment of Hassidic Patients.”Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 54: 2734-A. SA 94W18680