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2. Yu. M. Berezansky,A generalization of the Bochner theorem on expansions in eigenfunctions of partial differential operators, Dokl. AN SSSR110, no. 6 (1956), 893?896.
3. Yu. M. Berezansky,On an eigenfunction expansion for selfadjoint operators, Ukr. Mat. Zh.11, no. 1 (1959), 16?24.
4. Yu. M. Berezansky,A generalization of a multidimensional theorem of Bochner, Dokl. AN SSSR136, no. 5 (1961), 1011?1014.
5. Yu. M. Berezansky,Expansions in Eigenfunctions of Selfadjoint Operators, AMS, Providence, R. I., 1968 (Russian edition: Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1965).