1. D.G. Ullman, 2002, The Mechanical Design Process. New York, USA, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 0-07-112281-8.
2. B. Bergman, and B. Klefsjö, 1994, Quality from Consumer Needs to Consumer Satisfaction, Studentlitteratur, Lund, ISBN 91-44-46331-6.
3. M. Lindahl, 2000, Environmental Effect Analysis (EEA) — An approach to design for environment, Licentiate thesis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Technology, KTH, Stockholm, ISBN 91-973906-2-3.
4. M. Lindahl, C. Jensen, and J. Tingström, 2000, A Comparison between the Environmental Effect Analysis and the Life Cycle Assessment methods — Based on four case studies, Proceedings of the 7th International Seminar on Life Cycle Engineering, Life Cycle Planning, Design and Management for Eco-Products and Systems, November 27–29, Tokyo.
5. M. Lindahl, J. Tingström, and C. Jensen, 2000, A small textbook about Environmental Effect Analysis (in Swedish), Department of Technology, University of Kalmar, ISBN 91-973906-0-7.