1. Ahlwardt, P. (1745) Bronto-Theologie, oder vernünftige und theologische Betrachtungen über den Blitz und Donner, Greifswalde and Leipzig.
2. Anon., (1834) ‘Crombie’s Natural Theology’, Quarterly Review, 51, March and June, pp. 216–218.
3. Aristotle (1984) The Complete Works of Aristotle: The Revised Oxford Translation, ed. J. Barnes, 2 vols, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
4. Augustine (1844–1905) in Patrologia Latina, vols 32–47, ed. J.-P. Migne, Paris.
5. Bacon, F. (1859) The Works of Francis Bacon, 14 vols, eds J. Spedding, R. Ellis and D. Heath, London.