1. Benfey, O.T. 1952. Prout’s Hypothesis. Journal of Chemical Education 29: 78–81.
2. Benfey, O.T. (ed.). 1963. Classics in the Theory of Chemical Combination. New York: Dover Publications; Benfey, O.T. (ed.). 1981. Classics in the Theory of Chemical Combination. Malabar, Florida: Robert E. Krieger Publishing Co.
3. Benfey, O.T. 1964. From Vital Force to Structural Formulas. Boston: Houghton Mifflin; Benfey, O.T. 1975. From Vital Force to Structural Formulas. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society; Benfey, O.T. 1992. From Vital Force to Structural Formulas. Philadelphia, PA: Chemical Heritage Foundation.
4. Benfey, O.T. 1965. The Great Chain of Being and the Periodic Table. Journal of Chemical Education 42: 39–41.
5. Benfey, O.T. March 1977. The Limits of Knowledge. Chemistry 50: 2–3.