1. T. D. Lee andC. N. Yang: to be published.
2. In this respect also, the Lee and Yang w particles are rather similar to the K’s, particularly if one thinks of the «M space » interpretation of the |ΔI|=1/2 rule (B. D’Espagnat, J. Prentki andA. Salam:Nucl. Phys.,5, 447 (1958)).
3. F. Muller, R. W. Birge, W. B. Fowler, R. H. Good, W. Hirsch, R. P. Matsen, L. Oswald, W. M. Powell, H. S. White andO. Piccioni:Phys. Rev. Lett.,4, 418 (1960).
4. If the existence of an unstable and (e.g. positively) charged baryonX + having hypercharge 2 and isospin zero is postulated, then propositions i) to iv) can be made exact statements by choosing a weak interaction Lagrangian of the type $$f(\bar pn)w + [f'(\bar X_ + \Lambda ) + f''(\bar p\Lambda )]v + h.c..$$ . This interesting fact, which was pointed out by Dr.Prentki in a private discussion of the ideas here described, has led the author to consider the simple interaction Lagrangian described by (9) and by schemeB below, which has the same property without having the disadvantage of postulating the existence of a new particle. Our thanks are due to Dr.Prentki for this suggestion and other critical remarks on the content of the theory.
5. An isopseudoscalar if reflections are considered (B. D’Espagnat andJ. Prentki:Nucl. Phys.,1, 33 (1956)).