1. Adye, Ralph Willett 1792 Plan of the Town of Detroit and Fort Lernoult Reference Code F 47-5-1-0-11, Simcoe Map Collection, Archives of Ontario, Toronto.
2. 1813 The Bombardier and Pocket Gunner Egerton, London, UK.
3. Bald, F Clever 1948 Detroit’s First American Decade University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.
4. Barnhart, John D (editor) 1951 Henry Hamilton and George Rogers Clark in the American Revolution R E Banta, Crawfordsville, IN.
5. Bird, A. 1908 Letter to Brig Gen Powell of 13 August 1782 In Pioneer Collections: Collections and Researches Made by the Pioneer Society of the State of Michigan, 2nd edition, Vol 10, pp 625–627. Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford Company, Lansing, MI.