1. Indicates key paper 39Fal: M. Fallot, “Magnetic Properties of Iron-Iridium Alloys”,Compt. Rend., 205, 517–518 (1937) in French. (Magnetism; Experimental).
2. Indicates key paper 63Buc:R. A. Buckley and W. Hume-Rothery, “Liquidus Solidus Relations in Iron-Rich Alloys of the Systems Fe-Tc, Fe-Os, Fe-Ir, and Fe-Au”,J. Iron Steel Inst., 121–124 (Feb 1963). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
3. Indicates key paper 64Rau: E. Raub, O. Loebich, Jr., and H. Beeskow, “The Structure of Solid Iron-Iridium Alloys”,Z. Metallkd., 55 (7), 367–370 (1964). (Equi Diagram; Experimental).
4. 66Geb: T. H. Geballe, B. T. Matthias, A. M. Clogston, and H. J. Williams, “Localized Moments”,J. Appl. Phys., 37 (3), 1182–1186 (1966). (Magnetism; Experimental)
5. Indicates key paper 68Sch: K. Schwerdtfeger and L. Zwell, “Activities in Solid Iridium-Iron and Rhodium-Iron Alloys at 1200°C”,Trans. AIME, 242, 631–633 (1968). (Thermo; Experimental)