1. I. Friberg, NRPS (Nordic Radiation Protection Society) 11th Congress, August 26–30 1996, Reykjavik, Iceland, Conference Proceeding (in press).
2. E. L. Cooper, V. Valkovic, V. Strachnov, R. Dekner, P. R. Danesi, Appl. Radiation Isotopes, 43 (1992) 149.
3. S. M. Jerome, Appl. Radiation Isotopes, 43 (1992) 191.
4. Measurement of Radionuclides in Food and Environment, Guidebook, Technical Report Series No. 295, IAEA, Vienna, 1989, p. 70.
5. J. H. Harley, Manual of Standard Procedures, Health and Safety Laboratory, 1970, US Atomic Energy Commission, 376 Hudson Street, New York, N. Y. 10014.