1. CEN/TS 14972 (2011) Fixed firefighting systems—water mist systems—design and installation. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels
2. EN 14972-2 (2017) Fixed firefighting systems—water mist systems—part 2: test protocol for shopping areas for automatic nozzle systems. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels
3. EN 14972-4 (2017) Fixed firefighting systems—water mist systems—part 4: test protocol for non-storage occupancies for automatic nozzle systems. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels
4. DFL Nr. 61204-03 (2014) Rack storage with in rack protection. Fire test method for water mist systems. Danish Fire Laboratories, Svendborg
5. NFPA 750 (2015) Standard on water mist fire protection systems. National Fire Protection Association, Quincy