1. Resolution A.123(V) (1967) Recommendation on fixed fire extinguishing systems for special category spaces. International Maritime Organization, London, 26 Oct 1967
2. Fribert F, Hansen G et al (1963) Extinction of fire in ships by automatic sprinkler systems and fixed pressure water-spraying systems. Automatic Sprinkler Systems and Fixed Pressure Water-Spraying Systems, Denmark
3. Arvidson M, Ingason H, Persson H (1997) Water based fire protection systems for vehicle decks on ro–ro passenger ferries, BRANDFORSK project 421-941, SP report 1997:03. Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Borås
4. Arvidson M (1997) Large scale ro–ro vehicle deck fire test, NORDTEST project 1299–96, BRANDFORSK project 421–941, SP report 1997:15. Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Borås
5. SNTRI (1997) Video entitled large scale ro–ro vehicle deck fire test, conducted at SP on the 23rd of May 1997. Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Borås