1. State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) (2007) Sustainable trade with tropical wood: fighting poverty and preservation of tropical forest; in German
2. Swiss Foundation for Development and International Cooperation IC (2004) Agreement between the Swiss Association of Door Manufacturers (VST), Greenpeace Switzerland and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Switzerland concerning the procuring of timber and timber products; in German
3. Swiss Foundation for Development and International Cooperation IC (2004) Action plan of the agreement between the Swiss Association of Door Manufacturers (VST), Greenpeace Switzerland and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Switzerland concerning the procuring of timber and timber products; in German
4. SIA/Lignum (1997) Fire safety for multi story buildings. SIA Documentation 83, Zurich; in German
5. European Standard EN 1363-1 (1999) Fire resistance tests. Part 1. General requirements