1. H. Abels. Pseudodifferential Boundary Value Problems with Non-Smooth Coefficients. Preprint No. 2343, TU Darmstadt, 2004, to appear in Comm. Part. Diff. Eq.
2. H. Abels. Reduced and generalized Stokes resolvent equations in asymptotically flat layers, part I: unique solvability. J. Math. Fluid. Mech. 7, No. 2, 201–222, 2005.
3. H. Abels. Reduced and generalized Stokes resolvent equations in asymptotically flat layers, part II: H in∞-calculus. J. Math. Fluid. Mech. 7, No. 2, 223–260, 2005.
4. H. Abels. Bounded imaginary powers of the Stokes operator in an infinite layer. J. Evol. Eq. 2, 439–457, 2002.
5. H. Abels. Bounded Imaginary Powers and H∞-Calculus of the Stokes Operators in Two-Dimensional Exterior Domains. Preprint No. 2338, TU Darmstadt, 2004, to appear in Math. Z.