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2. A. Acker, A free boundary optimization problem involving weighted areas. J. Appl. Math and Phys (ZAMP) 29 (1978), 395–408.
3. A. Acker, How to approximate the solutions of certain free boundary problems for the Laplace equation by using the contraction principle. J. Appl. Math. Phys. (ZAMP) 32 (1981), 22–33.
4. A. Acker, Convergence results for the trial free-boundary method. IMA Journal on Numerical Analysis 8 (1988), 357–364.
5. A. Acker, On the convexity and successive approximation of solutions in a free boundary problem with two fluid phases. Comm. in Part. Diff. Eqs. 14 (1989), 1635–1652.