1. See for example: Arnold, J. I. and Avex, A.: 1967,Problemes Ergodiques de la Mecanique Classique, Gauthier-Villars, Paris
2. Benettin, G., Galgani, L., and Strelcyn, J. M.: 1976,Phys. Rev. A 14, 2338.
3. Benettin, G., and Galgani, L.: 1979, ?Intrinsic Stochasticity in Plasmas?,Proceedings of the Cargese Meeting, p. 93, (Les Editions de Physique, Orsay).
4. Benettin, G., Galgani, L., Giorgilli, A., and Strelcyn, J. M.: 1979 ?All Lyapunov Characteristic Exponents are Effectively Computable?, preprint (Padova), submitted to Meccanica.
5. Ford, J.: 1973,Adv. Chem. Phys. 24, 155, Review paper, see references quoted therein.