1. H. Mallener, Report presented at a meeting on “Case Hardening” hosted by the AWT (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Warmebehandlung and Werkstofftechnik) on 12–14 April 1989 in Darmstadt, p285–303 (in German)
2. J. Volkmuth and F. Hengerer, Influence of Material Origin upon Distortion during Heat Treatment of Mass Produced Parts,Härt. -Tech. Mitt., Vol 44 (No. 2), 1989, p 89 (in German)
3. P. Mayr, Dimensional Alterations of Parts due to Heat Treatment,Residual Stresses in Science and Technology, E. Macherauch and V. Hauk, Ed., DGM,p 57, Germany, 1987
4. W. Seger, Influencing Distortion Behaviour of Rotating Symmetrical Forgings by Control of Solidification, Munich Seminar on Forming, 25–26 September 1986. Summary published in Endus-trie-Anzeiger, 93, 22–24, 1986 (in German)
5. S. Gunnarson, Influence of Continuously Cast Shape upon Distortion of a Case Hardened Steel Crown Wheel,Härt. -Tech. Mitt., Vol 46 (No. 4), p 216–220, 1991 (in German)