1. N. P. Yao and J. R. Birk: “Proc. Tenth Intersociety Energy Conversion Engi-neering Conference,” pp. 1107-19, University of Delaware, Newark, Del., August 18–22, 1975.
2. G. Lander and E. Voss: “Proc. Symp. and Workshop on Advanced Battery Research and Design,” USERDA Report ANL-76-8, pp. A-66–80, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, II., March, 1976.
3. N. P. Yao:Ibid,“ A–107-28, 1976.
4. A. R. Landgrebe:Ibid,“ pp. A–19-33, 1976.
5. E. J. Cairns: “Materials Problems in Rechargeable Batteries,” General Motors Report GMR-2170, June, 1976.