1. F. P. Talboom, R. C. Elam, and L. W. Wilson, Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Report 4055 (1970) and NASA CR-72813 (1970).
2. D. L. Deadmore, ?Cyclic Oxidation of Cobalt-Chromium-Aluminum-Yttrium and Aluminide Coatings on IN-100 and VIA alloys in High-Velocity Gases,? NASA TN D-6842 (July 1972).
3. G. W. Goward,Gas Turbine Materials Conference Proceedings (Naval Ship Engineering Center, U.S. Department of Navy, Washington, D.C., 1972), pp. 85?96.
4. I. G. Wright,Proceedings of the 1974 Gas Turbine Materials in the Marine Environment Conference (Metals Ceramic Information Center, Columbus, Ohio, 1974), pp. 357?377.
5. A. Taylor and R. W. Floyd,J. Inst. Met. 81, 451 (1952?1953).