1. W.E. Biles, “A gradient-regression search procedure for simulation experimentation”, Proceedings of the 1974 winter simulation conference, Washington, D.C. (1974) pp. 491–497.
2. W.E. Biles, “Response surface methods for optimization of constrained multivariable processes”, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: Process Design and Development 14 (2) (1975) 152–158.
3. W.E. Biles, “Optimization of multiple-objective computer simulations: a nonlinear goal programming approach”, Proceedings of the 1977 AIDS conference, Chicago (1977) 250–252.
4. W.E. Biles and J.J. Swain, “Strategies for optimization of multiple response simulation models”, Proceedings of the 1977 Winter Simulation Conference, Gaithersburg, Maryland (1977) pp. 134–142.
5. G.E.P. Box and K.B. Wilson, “On the experimental attainment of optimum conditions”, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 13 (1951) 1–45.