1. I. S. Lisker and Yu. L. Danilevskii, Computational Systems. Collection of Papers of the Institute of Mathematics, Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR [in Russian], No. 20, Nauka (1966), p. 31.
2. I. S. Lisker and Yu. L. Danilevskii, ?Method of fabricating toroidal inductance coils,? Inventor's Certificate No. 177472.
3. Yu. L. Danilevskii and A. A. Seleznev, ?Physics of magnetic films,? Materials of an International Symposium [in Russian], Irkutsk (1968).
4. S. Middelhoek and D. Wild, Nature,211, No. 5054, 1169 (1966).
5. L. S. Palatnik, Yu. V. Zolotnitskii, and A. G. Ravlik, Fiz. Tverd. Tela,8, No. 12, 3714 (1966).