1. JORDAN, EGGERT KNEISSL:Handbuch der Vermessungskunde, Band VI: Die Entfernungsmessung mit Elektro-Magnetischen Wellen und ihre Geodätische Anwendung, K. Rinner and F. Benz, Eds. (J.B. Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 1966).
2. P.L. BENDER: “Laser measurements of long distance”, Proc., IEEE55, 1039–1045 (1967).
3. M.C. THOMPSON, Jr.: “A summary of progress in problems related to terrestrial electronic distance measuring in the United States since 1963”, paper presented at the XIV General Assembly of the IUGG, Lucerne, Switzerland, 25 Sept.–7 Oct. 1967.
4. E. BERGSTRAND: “A determination of the velocity of light”, Arkiv Fysik2, 119–151 (1950).
5. B.K. MEADE: “High-precision geodimeter traverse surveys in the United States”, paper presented at the XIV General Assembly of the IUGG, Lucerne, Switzerland, 25 Sept.–7 Oct. 1967.