1. L. S. Pontryagin, V. G. Boltyanskii, R.V. Gamkrelidze, and E. F. Mishchenko, Mathematical Theory of Optimal Processes [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1961).
2. Yu. N. Kiselev, S. N. Avvakumov, and M. V. Orlov, Optimal Control. Linear Theory and Applications [in Russian], MAKS Press, Moscow (2007).
3. Yu. N. Kiselev, “Sufficient conditions of optimality in terms of Pontryagin’s maximum principle constructions,” in: Mathematical Models in Economics and Biology, scientific seminar, Planernoe Moscow Province [in Russian], MAKS Press, Moscow (2003), pp. 57–67.
4. S. N. Avvakumov and Yu. N. Kiselev, “Some optimal control algorithms,” Trudy Inst. Mat. Mekhan. UrO RAN, Ekaterinburg, 12, No. 2, 3–17 (2006).
5. Yu. N. Kiselev and M. V. Orlov, “Resource allocation problem in a two-sector economic model with a Cobb–Douglas production function,” Modern Methods in the Theory of Boundary-Value Problems, papers presented at “Pontryagin Readings-XX”, Voronezh (2009), pp. 85–86.