1. The Department of Energy policy for fusion energy, DOE/ET-0018, U.S. Department of Energy (September 1978).
2. The results of the ORNL TNS Program studies are contained in ORNL/TM-6720-6731, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (April?June 1979).
3. GA TNS project: status report for FY-78, October 1, 1977-September 30, 1978, GA-A-15100, Vols. I?VIII, General Atomic Company (October 1978).
4. SLPX, Superconducting long-pulse experiment: final report on scoping study, PPPL-1501, Vols. I?III, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (November 1978).
5. ETF Design Center Team, ETF mission statement document, ORNL/TM-6733, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (April 1980).