1. R.H. Bartels, “A numerical investigation of the simplex method,” Computer Science Department, Stanford University, Technical Report No. CS-104, July 31, 1968.
2. R.H. Bartels and G.H. Golub, “The simplex method of linear programming using LU decomposition,”Communications ACM 12 (1969) 266–268, 275–278.
3. E.M.L. Beale, “Sparseness in linear programming,” in:Large sparse sets of linear equations, Ed. J.K. Reid (Academic Press, London, 1970) pp. 1–15.
4. J.M. Bennett and D.R. Green, “Updating the inverse or the triangular factors of a modified matrix,” Basser Computing Department, University of Sydney, Technical Report No. 42, April, 1966.
5. R.K. Brayton, F.G. Gustavson and R.A. Willoughby, “Some results on sparse matrices,” RC-2332, IBM Research Centre, Yorktown Heights, N.Y., February 14, 1969.