1. E. Balas, “Intersection cuts — a new type of cutting planes for integer programming,” Management Sciences Research Report No. 187, October 1969,Operations Research 19 (1971) 19–39.
2. E. Balas, “Alternative strategies for using intersection cuts in integer programming,” Management Sciences Research Report No. 209, Carnegie—Mellon University, June 1970.
3. E. Balas, “Integer programming and convex analysis,” Management Sciences Research Report No. 246, Carnegie—Mellon University, April 1971.
4. E. Balas, “A note on the asymptotic theory of integer programming and the 0–1 case,” Management Sciences Research Report No. 249, Carnegie—Mellon University, May 1971.
5. E. Balas, “Ranking the facets of the octahedron,” Management Sciences Research Report No. 252, Carnegie—Mellon University, May 1971.Discrete Mathematics 2, No.1 (1972) 1–15.