1. Eardley, D., Moncrief, V.: The global existence problem and cosmic censorship in general relativity. Yale preprint (1980) (to appear in GRG)
2. Moncrief, V.: Ann. Phys. (N.Y.)132, 87 (1981)
3. Segal, I.: Ann. Math.78, 339 (1963)
4. Segal, I.: J. Funct. Anal.33, 175 (1979). See also Ref. (5).
5. The choice of function spaces made in Ref. (4) was subsequently amended in an erratum (J. Funct. Anal.). The original choice suffers from the difficulty described in the introduction to this paper. A more complete treatment of the amended local existence argument has been given by Ginibre and Velo (see Ref. (11) below)