1. M. L. Dogonadze, The Organization of the Early Detection and Effectiveness of Functional Treatment of Congenital Dislocation of the Hip. Author's Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation, Tbilisi (1972).
2. I. L. Kurdovanidze and M. K. Tedeshvili, in: Proceedings of a Republican Scientific Conference of Junior Biological Research Workers and Postgraduate Students [in Russian], Tbilisi (1970), p. 161.
3. N. S. Mamulashvili, The Role of the Various Fractions of Female Sex Hormone in Ovarian-Pituitary Interrelationships. Author's Abstract of Candidate's Dissertation, Tbilisi (1968).
4. V. G. Orlova, Method of Determining the Excretion of Estriol and its Diagnostic Important in Prematurity. Author's Abstract of Candidate's Dissertation, Smolensk (1966).
5. O. N. Savchenko, Ovarian Hormones and Gonadotropic Hormones [in Russian], Leningrad (1967).