1. See for example Proc. of the Int'l Workshop on: ?Light induced kinetic effects on atoms ions and molecules?, ed. by L. Moi, S. Gozzini, C. Gabbanini, E. Arimondo, F. Strumia (ETS, Pisa 1991)
2. T.V. Zueva, V.G. Minogin, Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett. 7 (1981) 411
3. L. Moi, Opt. Commun. 50 (1984) 349
4. J. Liang, L. Moi, C. Fabre: Opt. Commun. 52 (1984) 131
5. L. Moi, M. Allegrini, P. Bicchi, S. Gozzini, J.H. Xu, SPIE: 701 (1987) 176